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Frequently Asked Questions

How do Partnered Children's Homes use donations?

For the most part, our Partnered Children’s Homes can use money from donations as they see fit.

In our opinion, nobody knows how to run their ministries better than them. Their ministries are complex, unpredictable, and inherently chaotic. Because of this, it’s too heavy of a burden to ask that they track how every penny they receive from NotFatherless is spent.

However, from time to time we run specific fundraisers, such as our recent Back2School Fundraiser. In these cases, it is communicated clearly that the money is to be used for a predetermined purpose, and we typically request photo proof of purchases.

How did you meet our Partnered Children's Homes?

I met 2 of our 3 Partnered Children’s Homes (Big Heart and Melody’s) on a mission trip to Reynosa, Mexico, in 2017. I used to go on mission trips to Mexico almost every Christmas break with my hometown church in Illinois.

While there, we would sometimes take a break from the planned mission and visit local missionaries. That’s how I crossed paths with Big Heart and Melody’s Children’s Homes.

I met Our Surrendered Lives Children’s Home through a family friend in 2017. I was told they had just started their ministry and were trying to raise support. I met with the directors (Renay and Guillermo) over lunch in Fort Madison, Iowa, where I realized they’re a perfect fit for NotFatherless.


Every children’s home NotFatherless partners with is run by people we know on a personal level. We have met the directors of all 3 of our Partnered Children’s Homes face to face and we communicate with them on a regular basis.

The basic criteria are:

  1. Are they trustworthy?
  2. Are they faith-based?
  3. Are they in need?

Faith is a very important factor. We believe sharing a common faith magnifies the trust factor and helps make sure our goals are aligned.

Once NotFatherless is ready to partner with more children’s homes, we’ll have to be more proactive in connecting with and evaluating potential partners.

But for now, our 3 Partnered Homes are the homes God has connected us with.