I love the book of John. It gives us the most upfront, almost in person, view of Jesus out of all the Gospels. It’s like John was scribbling what Jesus was saying as the words came out of his mouth.
The Book of John also shows us how much modern Christians have in common with the disciples.
In chapter 14 Jesus grows quite frustrated with the disciples. After all the lessons he’s taught them and the miracles he’s performed, they still don’t realize he’s the Christ.
Philip said to him, “Lord show us the Father, and it is enough for us.” Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip?”
Some things never change. How often do we look past what God has put right in front of us?
It reminds me of the sermon I heard yesterday morning from my church here in Houston. One of the main points was “where your emotion lies, there also lies where you believe you will find peace”.
Wherever you invest your time, energy, and mental bandwidth is secretly where you think the answers are hidden. If you obsess over your weight to the point of sadness, deep down you think that having the perfect body will give you internal peace.
But where do we really find the answers? Look to John 14:6;
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life, No one comes to the Father except through me”.
There it is. In quotation marks. Jesus tells us the answer. He is the embodiment of God and the only way to make it off this earth alive. He’s in control.
It’s so simple that I think we can’t help but overcomplicate it. Leave it to us humans to shoot ourselves in the foot.
Wherever you’re at this week and whatever you’re struggling with, I hope that you’re able to take a moment to realize where your peace is found.